Teachers Training
The EU has set ambitious goals to “promote smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, find ways to create new jobs and give direction to our societies” (2010). As the world becomes more interconnected and competitive, and as research and technological know-how expands, new opportunities arise, along with more complex societal challenges. Addressing these challenges will require all citizens to have a better understanding of science and technology if they are to actively and responsibly participate in science-based decision-making and knowledge-based innovation.
“Mobiliteach – In-depth sectoral specialization of VET teachers” project was selected as an example of good practice.
“This selection may reach the level of the Agency as well as the level of the European Commission of special solicitations (testimonials, interventions or publications, collections of projects, prizes) within the framework specific enhancement actions linked to the implementation and/or results of European Erasmus+ projects.
In addition, this distinctive mention appears on the public space of your project referenced on the European platform promoting the results of Erasmus + projects (E+PRP).”
In addition, CEDEFOP has reported recurrent shortages of STEM-related skills in the European economy. Acquiring these skills is not limited to higher education, but can take place within vocational education and training (VET) at tertiary and post-secondary level, as well as through learning in several countries. The project “Mobiliteach – In-depth sector specialization of VET teachers” aims to increase the quality and efficiency of VET provision by improving didactics and developing European strategies for the development of distance learning. More specifically, it is about developing and integrating cross-curricular didactics in VET provision and improving the skills of VET teachers and managers; integrate work-based learning mobility experiences into student curricula and improve the skills of VET teachers and managers; to structure an international network of collaboration between VET providers, mobility experts, educational institutions and companies.
The partnership is characterized by the presence of VET providers, VET mobility experts and educational institutions from six countries.
The project is aimed primarily at VET teachers, managers and administrative staff. It will indirectly affect VET students, business actors, educational institutions and public authorities in the field of education.
The methodological approaches are the main innovative elements of the project: interdisciplinarity, collegiality and experience-based approaches are oriented towards the creation of an interdisciplinary training methodology for teachers. The project will deliver an innovative training prototype designed, tested and developed through 5 international coordination meetings and joint training events. The training prototype for VET teachers is intended to be applied at local, regional, national and European level after the end of the project.
The specific results of the project are the following: an interdisciplinary training methodology for VET service providers will be developed, tested and delivered by the project; teachers improve their knowledge of interdisciplinary approaches and apply them to their teaching methodologies; managers improve their knowledge of interdisciplinary courses and integrate them into the didactics of their school; three training events where partners will share their best practices to develop and test an interdisciplinary methodology for a training prototype for VET teachers; teachers improve their knowledge on how to plan, organize, manage and evaluate high-quality distance learning experiences when it comes to mobility.
The project aims to help managers improve their knowledge of WBL mobility projects and integrate them into school program and student curricula; to develop and test an interactive training methodology based on experience and reality: teachers and mobility experts will put themselves in the shoes of students when they participate in a mobility internship abroad; increased collaboration between key players in the vocational education and training system to improve didactics and student curricula; partners’ internationalization strategies and European development plans are developed/updated and implemented with the participation of the local network of stakeholders; staff of VET providers and mobility experts will put into practice the knowledge and skills acquired by designing development strategies after participating in transnational activities and in collaboration with local stakeholders (including other schools and actors of the business world); innovative forms of transversal approaches and distance learning in mobility are identified, shared, integrated and tested by the participating organizations.
The impact of the project at local, regional, national and European level is based on the creation of stakeholder networks and the intense dissemination activities planned. Each partner will be responsible, throughout the duration of the project, for establishing a network of stakeholders with an interest in improving the quality of VET. This networking process will also be part of the training modules taught in the trainings as well as the activities carried out in the local working groups with stakeholders for the development of participatory didactic and internationalization plans.
“Mobiliteach – In-depth sector specialization of VET teachers” is a project led by ALFMED.
Participating organizations:
The MOBILITEACH VET project brings together 6 participants from 6 different countries: France, Italy, Greece, Albania, Germany and Portugal. These professionals represent all the different professional centers involved in ERASMUS+.
The project is launched and coordinated by: ALFMED
Other partners involved: UNISER – Fondazione Golinelli – INSIGNARE – Shkolla Profesionale “Kolin Gjoka” (en anglais) – Diek Aigaleo