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Home » TOEFL

TOEFL : Test of English as a Foreign Language. Widely used in the university world, the TOEFL is used to assess the ENGLISH skills of people of non-English speaking origin. Its goal is to certify your level of English and describe your English skills as part of a higher education course

Whatever the course envisaged, in France or abroad, the TOEFL, Academic English Test valid for 2 years, is required by Anglo-Saxon universities, French and European engineering schools, business schools, hotel schools, etc.

Passing this test allows the student to obtain a Score that corresponds to a level in English. The maximum is 120, the minimum required by Anglo-Saxon universities is generally 85/120 (this minimum can be higher: up to 100 depending on the faculties or Bachelor schools such as EHL or GLION).

ALFMED assists you in registering for the National TOEFL sessions, possible all year round and offers you a 63-hour preparation program :

  • 2h of private lessons, for a briefing + review of the exam in its entirety and presentation of the “e-learning” platform specific to exams such as the TOEFL. Personalized advice on the type of exercises to select and practice on the platform according to the points to be deepened according to the results of the evaluation test carried out during registration
  • 4h of mock test n°1 under real exam conditions on our premises (or in case of unavailability at your location)
  • 2h correction white test n°1
  • 4h of mock test n°2 in real exam conditions on our premises (or in case of unavailability at your location)
  • 2h correction white test n°2
  • 4h of mock test n°3 under real exam conditions on our premises (or in case of unavailability at your location)
  • 45h of training exercises, with self-correction

Depending on your level, the program can be customized to suit your needs.

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