Erasmus Outbound
In 2019, according to the observatory of the ERASMUS France Agency, ALFMED is the French leader for hosting ERASMUS-internships for professional training. Hosting ERASMUS-internships from all over Europe consists of offering a complete programme and services of training / accommodation / placement in a company / follow-up of young people from 17 to 25 years old. Based on this experience, ALFMED has also developed a whole engineering process for sending young French people within the framework of the KA1 ERASMUS+ mobility projects
Since 2005, our expertise has been built on our core business: continuing education in languages and then gradually expanded to include ERASMUS+ student mobility, TLN mobility (European Social Fund financing), and participation in ERASMUS+ KA2 strategic partnership projects.
Our participation in European KA2 partnership projects between training centres such as MobEX, Q-Mentor and SKILLS#EU also allows us to create and use training modules and tools to facilitate the integration of students within host companies and thus facilitate mobility in Europe.
Since 2005, more than 2,000 European students have been hosted in our French companies thanks to the ERASMUS grants, and thanks to the networks of Erasmus partners: schools / training centres / mobility associations throughout Europe
Naturally, in 2015, we started to imagine opening our European network to the professional high schools of the Pyrénées Orientales, to give real opportunities to the young people of the territory.
As early as 2017, a first CoProMob consortium obtained 200 mobility grants, then a number of projects followed. In total, nearly 400 young people have been able to successfully complete their work placements in a number of countries: Northern Ireland – Italy – Spain – Germany – Poland – Malta.
ALFMED’s role ? to actively participate in these projects, to share our network and our experience as a Consortium Coordinator for sending students to European destinations.
Our main added values :
- ALFMED’s wide European network and expertise allows us to fully coordinate the mobilities to different European countries and to guarantee the quality for the institutions
- High flexibility and professionalism: our multilingual team ensures the follow-up and selection of host partners according to the students’ placement profiles and strict quality standards, in line with the ERASMUS mobility grant budgets
- Accompaniment and monitoring of the Consortium: from the internationalisation issues of the institutions to the implementation of the mobility, selection and preparation of students and teachers before departure
- Here is an example: the CoPROMob2020, CoPROMob2030, CoPROMob+, PicassoGoPro (PGP), LurcatMobilityLearning (LML) project in the Pyrénées Orientales department
- A long experience in coordinating ERASMUS+ mobilities for individuals and groups: sending and receiving since 2006
- Knowledge of ECVET procedures (member of the ECVET network) for mobilities that allow the recognition and validation of learning outcomes achieved abroad
- In 2023: two other projects underway to continue and truly integrate European mobility into the curriculum